01:830:377 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: False Alarm, Tonsillectomy, Childhood Obesity

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This is intended to be a guide only. You are responsible for all of the lecture material and assigned reading material. Prospect theory: example of cognitive bias,, in which ppl react to a particular choice in different ways depending on how it is presented. People tend to avoid risk when a pos. frame is presented but seek risks when a neg. frame is presented. i. Loss-framed: emphasize costs of not engaging in behavior i. 1. If you do not screen/detect, something worse can emerge: gain-framed: emphasize benefits of engaging in behavior ii. 1. Meyerowtiz & chaiken: gave college women informational pamphlets on bse with gain/loss framed info: 4 conditions (randomly assigned): i. 1. Gain-framed condition: pamphlet about breast exams and breast cancer i. 3. Loss-framed condition i. 4: measured particpants attitude toward intervention when women got lost-framed info- more likely to do bse in the following four month. Loss framed message are more effective than gain framed for screening behaviors iii.