01:830:340 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rorschach Test, Prevalence, Conversion Disorder

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Id: ruled by pleasure principle, think of this as demanding child . Ego: incorporates conscious and unconscious, think of it as traffic cop , Behavior controlled by biology, sexual urges, and the unconscious. Psychopathology: symptoms and signs of mental disorders, scientific study of mental disorders. Abnormal behavior: the application of psychological science to the study of mental disorders. Dsm-5 (diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders): Comorbidity: the presence of more than one condition within the same period of time. Psychoanalysis (freud"s methods): believed the root of abnormal behavior result from experiences within the 5 years of life mediates between id wants and reality superego can stop you from doing certain things that your id may want to do. Humanistic approach self are incongruent therefore limiting one"s full potential. Diathesis-stress model: referring to the fact that abnormal behaviors may have a biological basis meaning issues concerning brain functions.