01:830:340 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Hypochondriasis, Depersonalization, Sleepwalking

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Document Summary

Summer session 2013 chapters 1 & 2. Study guide chapter 1 abnormal behavior in a historical context. Supernatural model: belief in extraordinary forces outside the person (devil, astrology) is the reasoning. Biological model: dysfunction should be treated like physical disease. (heart, brain, liver. Psychological model: hypnosis, theory of personality, defense mechanisms. What are the components of the dsm-v definition of a clinical disorder: psychology dysfunction, distress uncommon in culture, presenting problem, increased risk of pain/death. Presenting problem - the clients personal issue. Prognosis end result of the disorder/symptoms (still going to be on meds) Prevalence and incidence rates: how many disorders to date, (35 kids in school this year) incidence means new cases in a period of time. Electro convulsive shock therapy- rarely used, disturbs the current and the (cid:271)(cid:396)ai(cid:374) like a (cid:862)(cid:396)eset (cid:271)utto(cid:374)(cid:863) Lobotomy stopped i(cid:374) the 50"s. (cid:395)ui(cid:272)kly, easily (cid:373)ade the pe(cid:396)so(cid:374) do(cid:272)ile. Neuroleptic medication specifically for mental/emotional disorders.