01:830:338 Final: Nicole's Final Review Guide Part 1.docx

57 views7 pages
30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Technique intended to help patients learn more about what he/she thinks and feels in an atmosphere of non-judgmental curiosity and acceptance. No linear or preplanned agenda works by intuitive leaps and linkages which may lead to new personal insights and meaning. Tends to lead to material that means very much to the patient. Catharsis or the talking cure : freud collaborates with joseph breuer. Museum of symptoms (paralysis, coughing, fits, anorexia, etc. ) Hypnosis could remove a symptom but it would often return: breuer was removing one symptom at a time through hypnosis. Breuer and anna discovered the talking cure by which she experienced relief from the symptoms by talking about her daytime hallucinations and fantasies associated with the symptoms: the talking un-strangled the emotions that were producing neurotic symptoms. Hysterical childbirth, unconsciously believing that breuer had fathered a child within her: **critical role of catharsis**: full venting of emotions that bind a symptom; full expression which discharges powerful memories.