01:830:338 Final: Personality Psych FINAL- Quick Review

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Introversion and extraversion in jung"s theory and in his life . Secluded as child, didn"t think people would understand or accept him. Personality 1 was extroverted, personality 2 was introverted. Self-state dreams and their purpose or function . Do not fulfill wishes, portrays state of the self. Different floors of house represent different levels of consciousness. Last floor was the primitive unconscious we all have. Hasn"t realized the dream is a metaphorical relationship between psychology and history, Nietzsche"s dream of the small child being enveloped and buried . Not in our conscious mind, manifest in dreams, myths and stories. Anima, animus, shadow, wise old man, great earth mother, the self . Anima : archetypal female corresponding to man"s unconscious femininity. Shadow: part of unconscious mind consisting of repressed weaknesses, shortcomings and instincts. Self: spirit that connects with universe, unites states of consciousness, at one with everything. Transcendence of opposites, so each aspect of personality is equal.