01:830:338 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Freudian Slip, Sigmund Freud, Feminine Psychology

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Keep in mind that there will be roughly 55-60 questions, all of which will be multiple-choice. Material from lectures and the textbook are fair game for exam 1 (and all exams). If something comes up in both the textbook and lecture, it"s probably important and worth testing. Use this review sheet/study guide to help you pinpoint what will be most important to focus on. That said, be careful to study so as to understand the material, not just regurgitate it. Memorizing definitions without being able to apply them to examples will not get you very far on the exams in this course! It is very important that you be able to apply what you know, not just recite it. Lecture 1 and chapter 1 of textbook: driving questions (q"s) in psychology, definitions of personality psychology. Understand psychoanalytic concepts: psychic determinism, principle of opposites, libido, unconscious, fixation, etc. Know psychoanalytic techniques and reasons for accessing the unconscious mind.