01:830:338 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Shyness, Boundary Value Problem, Extraversion And Introversion

68 views2 pages
26 Jan 2018

Document Summary

Reputation- an opinion about a person or entity as a result of social evaluation. Shyness- can be perceived as cold and aloof. Self-fulfilling prophecies- prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true due to positive feedback bwtn belief and behavior expectancy effects (intellectual, social)- Intellectual- rosenthal and jacobson (1968): climate, feedback, input, output: social- snyder, tanke, and berschield (1977): self-fulfilling prophecy source of real-life expectancies. Moderator variables- a variable that affect the rltshp btwn 2 variables; changes correlation btwn a judgment and its criterion. Boundary condition- sometimes acquaintances can be as accurate as people we know. Good judge- early findings: depends on the context of trait; intelligent and conscientious: high in communion (developing and maintaining relationships, open, positive, expressive, people who are good at judging. Good target- judgability: those whose behaviors are more predictable from personality judgments, stable, well-organized, and consistent behavior, extraverted, agreeable. Good traits- easy to observe, highly visible: talkative, sociable, social constructed reputations.