01:830:338 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Convergent Validity, Dependent And Independent Variables, Discriminant Validity

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26 Jan 2018

Document Summary

Goal of psychological science- emphasis is on thinking and seeking new knowledge. Self report data: adv, large amounts of info, thoughts, feelings, intentions, simple and easy, disadv, maybe the can"t/won"t tell you, too simple and too easy. Informant data: adv, large amount of info, real-world basis, common sense, disadv, limited behavioral info, lack of access to private experience, error/bias. Life outcome data- info from events, activities, and outcomes in a person"s life that is available for public scrutiny (marriage, speeding tickets) Behavior observation data (natural, experimental: natural, based on real life, diary and experience-sampling methods, experimental, make a situation happen and record behavior, examine reactions to situations, represent real-life contexts that are difficult to observe directly. Fish-and-water effect- people may not be used to the way they behave and are surprised by their own actions. Self-verification- people want to be known and understood by others according to their self views. Causal force- relationship btwn cause and its effect.