01:830:338 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Pollination Syndrome, Social Rejection, Personal Construct Theory

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19 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Mrs. garcia often invites her family and friends to her house for lunches and par-ties. She is also involved with the people in her church group and in the parent-teacher associa-tion at her child"s school. According to mcclelland"s view of motivations, mrs. garcia is high in ________ motivation. According to distinctions between types of idiographic goals, a ________ is something you think about, whereas a ________ is something you do. Frequent emotional swings create social distance and sometimes result in chronic de- pression. Frequent emotional swings typically create many more negative emotional experiences than positive emotional experiences. C. frequent emotional swings cause stress to both the person experiencing them and sur- rounding others. D. frequent emotional swings limit the individual"s capacity to adapt to any one environ-ment. Jeff has decided to go on a diet, but unfortunately jeff"s mother has made his favorite dessert, apple pie.