01:830:338 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Big Five Personality Traits, Classical Conditioning, Mary Cover Jones

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Document Summary

Personality the residue of learning tendencies we"ve learned through experiences. Trait approach = you"re high on conscientiousness. Evolutionary approach = you"re ensuring your survival. Freudian approach = your ego is telling you to! Motivation approach = you"re striving to achieve. Learning approach = studying has been reinforced. The only way to know about someone"s personality is to observe their behavior. B. f. skinner radical behaviorism behavior is controlled by its consequences. Animal presses bar receives food pellet (reinforcer) increases bar pressing. Skinner: most behavior occurs because it has been rewarded in the past personality. Personality merely a group of responses to the environment. Positive reinforcement presentation of a stimulus after a behavior makes the behavior more likely to occur again. Positive punishment unpleasant stimulus follows behavior decreases probability of behavior. Negative reinforcement behavior is made more likely because it is followed by the removal of an aversive stimulus. Negative punishment removal of pleasant stimulus decreases probability of behavior.