[01:830:338] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (63 pages long)

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It is difficult to measure when there are so many different methods, approaches, etc: s-data: self-report (specifically asking the person about themselves) Allows respondents to structure their answers freely (ex: twenty statements. Test: i am ____ nice, tired, etc) woman who are married say i am a wife ; Students in college talk about their social group. The things that you say first are the most essential to you. (how many times do students talk about their social group to describe themselves?) Extroverts: don"t follow a pattern external factors influence their mood but those factors depends. Acquiescence response set: tendency to agree with items regardless of content. To avoid this, you can rephrase the question i"m shy i feel uncomfortable in social setting to see if the responder is really reading or not because people can"t agree both socially uncomfortable and love parties .