01:830:333 Study Guide - Richard Lewontin, Confounding, Parenting

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Chapter 10-13 study guides all up on sakai. Today: ethnicity and achievement: lewontin argued that. Genetic differences play a role in ethnic differences in achievement. The first is correct, but the second is faulty . African-american adolescents are more optimistic about their success even if they don"t receive a good education . The parents of white adolescents influence school performance directly and through peer affiliation . White adolescents were more likely to have both parental and peer support for academic achievement . Within-group differences can be explained in part by genetic differences. But it does not follow that therefore between-group differences must also be able to explained by genetic differences. Environmental influences: ses as confounding variable, much, but not all of the ethnic differences are accounted for by ses differences, parenting style, steinberg (1992) Possible explanations: familial values about education, adolescents" beliefs about the rewards of academic success (jobs, parenting practices.