01:830:333 Study Guide - Cardiovascular Disease, Tella, Substance Abuse

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Chapter 13: problems (skip problems and disorders section: be able to recognize examples of the biopsychosocial and developmental psychopathological approaches to adolescent problems. Biopsychosocial approach- emphasizes that problems develop through an interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors: biological factors- problems are believed to be caused by a malfunctioning of the body. Usually focus on the brain and genetic factors as the causes of adolescent causes. Drug therapy is frequently used to treat problems: psychological factors- among the psychological factors that have been proposed as causing adolescent problems are distorted thoughts, emotional turmoil, inappropriate learning, and troubled relationships. Family and peer influences are especially believed to be important contributors to adolescent problems: social factors- social factors that influence the development of adolescent and emerging adult problems include socioeconomic status and neighborhood quality. Developmental psychpathological approach- the area of psychology that focuses on describing and exploring the developmental pathways of problems. Internalizing problems- occur when individuals turn their problems inward.