01:830:333 Study Guide - Mental Model, Attachment In Adults, 18 Months

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Describe the stages of interpersonal needs in sullivan"s theory. According to sullivan, the preadolescent era comes to an end with the onset of. ** according to sullivan, the need for intimacy emerges in preadolescence and is o puberty. Individual must begin to make a shift from intimate relationships with members of the opposite sex. (today"s meaning: movement from nonromantic to romantic relationships) --> brings about anxiety. During adolescence, this need is integrated with sexual impulses and desires, and the focus of the adolescent"s interpersonal concerns are redirected toward romantic relationships with peers. Slides: emphasized the social, rather than the biological aspects of growth, and. Theory focuses on transformations in relationships with others. Adolescents who throw themselves into going steady often display a sort. Erikson argued that development during the adolescent and young adult years. Erikson believed that in a truly intimate relationship, two individuals" identities. Erikson reasoned that adolescents must establish a sense of identity.