01:830:333 : Review Questions Chp.8.doc

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30 Oct 2014

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Chapter 8 identity review questions: what are the three ways in which identity development has been studied. Be sure you can explain the differences among these three ways of looking at identity. Puberty-> puberty brings with it dramatic changes in physical appearance, and alters the adolescent"s self-conceptions and relationships with others. Cognitive-> cognitive changes permit adolescents to think about themselves in new ways. Adolescents become much more able to imagine their possible selves: the various alternative identities that they may adopt. There is also an increase in their future orientation: the ability and tendency to consider the long term consequences of their decisions and imagine what their life might be like in the years to come. Social roles-> this necessitates the questions about the future. Self-conceptions-> the collection of traits and attributes that individuals use to describe or characterize themselves. Self-esteem-> the degree to which individuals feel positively or negatively about themselves.