01:830:333 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Learning Theory, Cultivation Theory

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27 Apr 2018
Review Questions Chapter 12 Media
1. What types of media are adolescents exposed to? What are the age and gender trends?
a. TV: both genders, but boys are more likely to use it
b. Music: both genders, but more common amongst girls
c. Video games: more common amongst boys
2. What is the uses and gratifications view of adolescents and the media? What types of
reasons do people have to engage with media? Recognize research that takes this approach.
a. Use and gratification view- basically says that people choose media that they enjoy
and also studies what people do with media. Also states how everyone reacts to the
same media differently.
b. Reasons why people engage with media?
i. For socializing, diversion, information, and identity
3. Explain how the media practice model applies identity issues and the uses and gratifications
a. It applies the gratification and uses approach and applies identity issues by
mentioning identify formation, stimulation, coping, and media culture.
4. What is the cultivation theory view of adolescents and the media? Recognize research that
takes this approach.
a. Cultivation theory- watching TV shapes a person’s view on the world
b. Mean world syndrome- exposure to violence and aggression in TV shows can
influence people’s views on the world as a negative one.
5. How are the cultivation theory and social learning theory views of media influence on
behavior different from the uses and gratifications approach?
a. Cultivation involves setting norms, so it affects thoughts
b. Social learning theory involves seeing something then repeating it, so it affects
6. What did we see in class about the views ‘cultivated’ in the media about body image and
sex in various time periods?
a. Teens get most of their sex knowledge from media and it gives an unrealistic
7. What are the general findings on the effects of exposure to sex, violence and drug use in
media on the attitudes and behaviors of adolescents with respect to these issues?
a. Exposure to these things influences adolescents’ thoughts on it
b. It can also lead to more aggressive behavior and are probably more willing to try
8. What are potential positive and negative sides of internet use?
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