01:830:331 Midterm: Exam 3 SG

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1st signs in infants: crying- different types of crying- each sounds different, basic/hunger, anger, sad, smiling. Emotion states: diffuse, reflexive, mostly physiological responses to sensory stimulation or internal processes. Contentment, interest, distress= not true emotions: differentiate into true emotions. Surprise- requires expectation and the event must go against that expectation. Cerebral cortex- maturation of cerebral cortex required to have emotions- especially over 1st 3 months: limbic system. Emotions, active when experiencing emotions- hypothalamus, amygdala: frontal cortex. Responsible for planner, involved with emotions too: connection. Between limbic system and frontal cortex- 1st separate but at 9/10 months, connections made. Sense of humor- find unexpected things funny, find peek-a-boo funny: self-conscious. Requires self-awareness- cognitive process- have an identity- distinguishable from other people. Rouge test- red on nose- touch nose- aware of self- at 15-24 months- recognize themselves. *need sense of self to feel for others- separate self from others: self evaluative.