01:830:331 Study Guide - Stra

41 views12 pages
30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

What is an emotion: a rapid appraisal of the personal significance of the situation, which prepares you for action. What do theorists that take a functionalist approach to emotions believe: emphasize that the broad function of emotions is to energize behavior aimed at attaining personal goals. Others social behavior may alter a situation s significance on you. Sensation/state of mind (memory, sound, imagining) can become personally relevant and evoke emotion: emotional reaction affects desire to repeat experience. Believe emotions are central in all endeavors: emotions contribute to emergence of self-awareness. Interest and excitement babies display when acting on novel objects help forge a sense of self-efficacy. Emotion and cognition: evident in impact of anxiety on performance. Children experiencing storm under moderate stress remembered more than children experiencing high stress or low stress: relationship is bidirectional. Emotions interwoven with cognitive processing, serving as outcomes of mastery and as energizing force for continued involvement and learning.