01:830:331 : Chapter 13 answers to review guidelines

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

What are instrumental and expressive traits: instrumental traits reflecting competence, rationality, and assertiveness- regarded as masculine, expressive traits emphasizing warmth, caring, and sensitivity viewed as feminine. How do stereotypes develop from early childhood through adolescence: early childhood. Before age 2 have begun to acquire subtle associations with gender that most hold. Many apply them as blanket rules rather than flexible guidelines. Do not realize that characteristics associated with being male or female do not determine a person"s sex: middle childhood and adolescence. Increases steadily and become adult-like by age 10. Figure out which academic subjects and skill areas are masculine and which are feminine. Gender-stereotype flexibility: overlap in the characteristics of makes and females, increases dramatically from age 7 + How important are stereotypes and stereotype flexibility to gender-role adoption: gender typed preferences and behaviors increase sharply over preschool years, boys more stereotyped and show more conformity to their gender role.