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The ________ is the child"s first, and longest-lasting, context for development. From an evolutionary perspective, an extended relationship between a man and a woman. Your answer: increased male certainty that a baby was actually his offspring, motivating him to provide food and shelter and to invest in child rearing. Professor han views the family as a complex set of interacting relationships influenced by the larger social context. Professor han endorses the __________ perspective of family. Studies of families of diverse ethnicities show that children cooperate and respond best when parents are. Valerie is a low-ses mother whose husband has taken on considerable child- care responsibilities after the birth of their daughter. Your answer: report a higher level of distress due to her husband"s actions. Overall, the most successful approach to parenting is the __________ child- rearing style. Your answer: likely to be dependent, lacking interest in exploration, and overwhelmed by challenging tasks.