01:830:321 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Implicit-Association Test, Likert Scale, Classical Conditioning

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A positive, negative, or mixed reaction to a person, or idea, expressed at some level of intensity (ex. Based on the notion that we have implicit attitudes (not fully aware of these). Significantly lower for fraternals: social experiences, affectively based attitudes based on people"s feelings of an attitude object (not on beliefs). Sources include values, mere exposure the tendency to develop more positive feelings toward objects and individuals the more we are exposed to them, classical conditioning) (mita slides. Specific attitude/subjective norms/perceived behavioral control -> behavioral intention. > behavior: attitude strength and accessibility we can measure the strength of a person"s attitude by seeing how accessible it is in memory. If an attitude is highly accessible, then it comes to mind quickly. If an attitude is highly inaccessible, then it comes to mind much slower. (slides 58-65: measurement of attitudes.