[01:830:313] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 50 pages long Study Guide!

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0 cumulative questions (exam 1 and ) and 55 new questions. Stimulus-response learning: ability to learn to perform a particular behavior when a particular stimulus is present: classical conditioning: association between two stimuli, operant conditioning: association between behavior and outcome. Unconditional stimulus (us): stimulus that produces defensive or appetitive response. Conditional stimulus (cs): stimulus, which when paired with us during training, comes to elicit learned response. Conditional response (cr): response to presentation of cs. In eye-blink conditioning, a puff of air (us) causes the eye to blink (ur). The puff of air is paired with a tone (cs) for several trials. After pairing, the tone alone elicits a blink (cr) Long term potentiation (ltp) of conditioned emotional response: occurs in lateral amygdala. The nmda receptor is a neurotransmitter- and voltage-dependent ion channel. (a) when the postsynaptic membrane is at the resting potential, mg2+ blocks the ion channel, preventing.