01:830:311 Study Guide - Final Guide: Applied Behavior Analysis, Asteroid Family, Matching Law

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Accidental reinforcement an instance in which the delivery of a reinforcer happens to coincide with a particular response, even though that response was not responsible for the reinforcer presentation. Belongingness facilitates learning. conditioned reinforcer a stimulus that becomes an effective reinforcer because of its association with a primary or unconditioned reinforcer. Also called secondary reinforcer. contiguity the occurrence of two events, such as a response and a reinforcer, very close together in time. 1 to inescapable and unavoidable aversive stimulation. learned-helplessness hypothesis a theoretical idea that assumes that during exposure to inescapable and unavoidable aversive stimulation participants learn that their behavior does not control environmental events. Examples include pressing a lever and opening a door. Ch 6 concurrent-chain schedule of reinforcement a complex reinforcement procedure in which the participant is permitted to choose during the first link which of several simple reinforcement schedules will be in effect in the second link. The instrumental response is reinforced occasionally, or intermittently.