01:830:310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Biological Motion, Speech Perception, Temporal Lobe

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Bilateral damage to the primary cortex does not usually lead to cortical deafness. Auditory hallucinations are when people hear things that are not actually there. Research suggests that spontaneous neural activity in the auditory cortex gives rise to such hallucinations the spontaneous firing neurons are usually interpreted as sentences as they interact with the language areas of the temporal love. Auditory system categorization is helpful by interpreting things as the same even if they aren"t necessarily the same. Left damage have difficulty discriminating sounds and judging the sequence of heard sounds left sides seems to deal with words. Right damage have difficulty understanding emotional intention of language. L hemisphere concerned with speed grouping and rhythm. Right hemisphere concerned with frequency differences. Visual input the brain fails to unconsciously select important things to look at when various visual stimulus are present, resulting in not being able to remember any of the stimuli.