01:830:310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sleep Spindle, Muscle Tone, Delta Wave

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An electrode is inserted into the brain, adjacent to a neuron, and the neurons activity is recorded (can record a single action potential, or multiple action potentials) Eeg records electrical potentials or brain waves in the brain reflects the collective activity of neurons in the cortex. Electrode cap results in uniform placement of electrodes around the head for specific parts of the brain. Polygraph electrodes are connected to magnets, which are connected to pens that produce a paper record of electrical activity in the brain. Required several neurons to fire at the same time to get any kind of recording because the electrical potentials are very small. This records electrical activity in the top 2 layers of the cortex. Eeg is used for sleep studies, epilepsy diagnosis, monitoring the depth of anesthesia, and studying normal brain function: erp, what is it, how does it work (generalizing over three types mentioned in the book).