01:830:310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Horseradish Peroxidase, Histology, Cerebral Circulation

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The microscopic study and determination of the structure and morphology of tissue. Golgi stains randomly stains some neurons black stains the whole neuron so the dendrites, axon, cell body, etc. are all visibile. Nissl stains dyes only cell bodies, but all cell bodies, so it allows you to count cell bodies and see the organelles in the cell. Myelin staining stains myelin and axons & fiber tracts. Discrimination of low and high density regions in the body. High density areas (ie: bone) are seen as white on x-ray film. Advantages picks up tumors, skull fractures, and hemorrhage. A catheter is inserted via an external artery and guided close to the site of entry of arterial supply of the brain contrasted dye is injected skull is x- rayed or cted. In a cat scan, x-ray scanner is rotated slowly until a measurement has been taken at each angle and a computer constructs the image.