01:830:308 Study Guide - Final Guide: Infant Mortality, Benzodiazepine, Palliative Care

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16 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Definition of stigma: an attribute that is deeply discrediting (modern definition, refers to bodily signs designed to expose something unusual and bad about the moral status of the signifier (greek definition) Three types of stigma: abnormalities of the body. Physical deformities: blemishes of the individual character. Weak will, domineering, unnatural passions, treacherous and rigid beliefs, dishonesty: tribal and stigma of race, nation and religion. Can affect all members of the family. Obesity and reasons for stigmatization: social standard of having the perfect body. Stigmatization- eating disorders vs. obesity: eating disorders. People with eating disorders are viewed as victims. It"s not their fault (or parents fault: obesity. Viewed as people with bad behaviour (in relation to eating, exercise and accountability) How implicit biases develop: knowing about a stereotype distorts the processing of information about the individual, develops early in life from repeated reinforcement of social stereotypes.