01:830:220 Midterm: Study Guide conditioning, motivation W4

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Classical conditioning (us, ur, cs, cr) -examples in the shawshank redemption. Conditioned stimulus- hearing someone tell them to pee. Conditioned response- being unable to pee without being explicityly told to. Operant conditioning (positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment)- examples in the shawshank redemption. Negtive punishment- taking away something good in order to punish. Schedules of reinforcement (variable ratio, variable interval, fixed ratio, fixed interval)-examples in the. Variable ratio- given treat every once in a while 9andy writing letters and eventually getting $) Fixed ratio- given treat after fized amount of times you do something. Fixed interval- given treat after certain amount of time. Types of motivation (classical conditioning, operant conditioning, social learning, social cognition) Social learning- leanring how to do things by living vicariously through other people. A belive about how competently one will be able to enact a behavior in a certain environment. Low- keep trying until fail (no idea about what they can/ can"t do)