01:830:123 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tana Toraja Regency, Mirror Neuron, Polytheism

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Tana toraja - death is depicted as a transitional period to the afterlife known as. Puya. death is something that only occurs when the family has the means to provide a proper ritual with appropriate sacrifices and when they all agree that an individual is no longer just a person who is sick. Hesiod brought up the concept of the isle of blest which was only for those men who died in battle, specifically the battle of thebes and troy. Plato"s concept introduces the idea that the soul disobeys the laws of physics and the soul can occupy the same place as another object. The underworld of hades is where every soul went, good or bad. The underworld of hades is simply a place where the dead people live after they die, merely a shade or a shadow of their former selves. Egyptians splitting it into a personality (ba) and a life force (ka)