01:790:373 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ordinary Language Philosophy, Stoicism, Legal Realism

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The test will cover all lecture material and the reading material through hart"s postscript on the syllabus. For part 1, i will pick ve of these terms/questions from the reading study guides and the lecture questions listed below and you will be responsible for answering three of them for a total of 60 points. The stoics pointed to the existence of a rational and purposeful order to the universe. The means by which a rational being lived in accordance with this cosmic order was considered natural law. Notion that stoic is unemotional, in a sense there is a grain of truth. Stoics believe love and friendships can be a sense of weaknesses in the sense that we let these things impair of what is right. One dictum, you should try to live a harmonious life. The stoics believe that the state of nature is a harmonious hole regulated by reason. We should try to stay in tune with nature.