01:790:340 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Sonnet 116, Quatrain

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359:201 principles of literary study: poetry due in class monday 11/4. Assigned reading: william shakespeare, selected sonnets (course reader, pp. Shakespeare"s sonnets, considered to be a sequence, were published together in 1609. They circulated in manuscript before that, which we know because other people referenced. The beloved about and to whom the speaker writes in the first 126 sonnets is a beautiful young man. Questions to answer: use letters of the alphabet to describe the rhyme scheme of the sonnets. How does the pattern differ from petrarch/wyatt and spenser: in sonnet 18, the speaker asks whether to compare his lover to a summer"s day. Much of the poem explains why that would be a bad comparison. What does bootless mean, in context (line 3): you shall shine more bright in these contents, says the speaker in line 3 of sonnet 55.