01:790:304 Study Guide - Paygo, Ranter, Fasttrack

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In order to get the complete picture of the goings-on of congress we have to understand the budget process. This week will be a critical week for health reform, because reid has asked for a score on the proposed senate reform bill. How much that costs will determine whether or not it can be implemented! Once reid gets that score he will bring it to the floor, there will be a motion to proceed, which is filibuster-able. Then it gets debated and amended, then the question of whether it comes to a vote which is also filibuster- able. There is a doomsday scenario before reid, because if he cannot get the vote, he will go to the budget rule known as reconciliation. That means that if in fact he uses reconciliation, it only requires 51 votes. There are very serious political implications to using reconciliation, but that"s certainly something reid has considered.