01:685:100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Psychoanalysis, Semitic Languages, Existentialism

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Orientalism, referring to people of the east. Scholarly tradition of orientalism had been founded on study of language. All studies of middle east done in different language, any scholar would have to learn that language. Area studies put more focus on contemporary word and social science, in addition to language. Bernard lewis studied on the arab world, and modernization theory led him to claim that western societies had superior development, and compared it to the east. Modernization theory declined in (cid:883)97(cid:882)"s, development eliminated neither dependency nor traditional institutions. This is because the east was still dependent on the west, and retained their traditional institutions: geography important to the study of middle east and africa because of the divide between the east and west. Orient and asia once referred to middle east, until we learned about the regions and used asia and orient to describe the far east, because they were more different from the west than the middle east.