33:620:301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Oceanic Crust, Slab Pull, Mid-Ocean Ridge

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The origins of mountains, how they originate, where they originate. Atlantic ocean is younger than about 200 million years old. More land mass in north than south, b/c south is mostly water. Early in earth history super continents it was distributed differently. There are hot portions rising up to crust and cooler sinking back down. Core heats up the mantle to cause it to become less dense to floats up to crust. As it goes it, it looses heat and becomes cooler and it becomes cooler, it sinks down to the core. Motion causes pressure which causes crust to becomes brittle, it is not smooth or continuous. Pieces of crust that are broken form tectonic plates. Core has 2 parts: 1) liquid outer 2) solider iron inner. Upper mantle 1) upper part called lithosphere 2)lower part called asthenosphere. Earth quakes happen when tectonic plates are moving around due to different types of motions.