01:460:206 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Reptile, Apatosaurus, Vertebrate Paleontology

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Dinos- fearfully great saurus- lizard : terrible lizard. False: they did really well for 150 million years and gave rise to birds (success and adaptation) False: death of last dinosaur and birth of first human separated by about 62 million years. Dinosaurs all lived and died at the same time. False: distance between tyrannosaurus and apatosaurus more than time between tyrannosaurus and humans (65 mil years) Mammals came after dinosaurs and caused dinosaurs to go extinct because they ate their eggs. False: they both came in late triassic period. False: no evidence that dinosaurs went extinct because of their eggs being eaten. False: compsognathus longus is only 70 cm. False: pterosaurs and mosasaurs existed in mesozoic but only distant cousins of dinosaurs. False: archeology and paleoanthropology (subdivisions of anthropology) concerned only with humans in last 5-8 mil years. Paleontology (subdivision of geology) concerned with all fossils and covers last 3. 8 billion years.