01:460:101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Coordination Number, Oceanic Trench, Subduction

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Describes lithosphere as being broken into plates that are in motion. Explains distribution and origin of volcanoes, fault zones, and mountain belts. Thermal convection: heat expands and then rises, cools which contracts and sinks. Divergent: plates move apart, magma rises, cools, and forms new lithosphere, usually mid-oceanic ridges. Convergent: plates move towards each other, mountain belts and volcanoes common, form subduction zone, marked by deep ocean trench. Transform: plates slide past one another, fault zones, earthquakes, san andreas fault. Minerals: a naturally occurring, inorganic element or compound with an orderly internal structure and characteristic chemical composition, crystal form and physical properties. The number of these bonds is the coordination number. Polymorphism- minerals that have the same chemical formula, but different atomic structures are called polymorphs. They are made up of the same atoms, but the atoms are packed differently. (graphite and diamond: goldschmidt"s rules: