01:460:101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Landslide, Mass Wasting, Solifluction

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What is the fastest type of mass wasting process? rock avalanche. Any unconsolidated material at the earth"s surface of any size is called: debris. An unconsolidated mass moving downslope as a viscous fluid is referred to as a: flow. The driving force behind all mass wasting processes is: gravity. The resistance of a mass of debris to movement or deformation is its: shear strength. Flow of water-saturated soil over an impermeable material is called: solifluction. An apron of rocks and boulders that accumulates at the base of a cliff is called: talus. Install rock bolts that stitch the rocks together. Slopes that have been stable for many years may sometimes fail catastrophically. What is a common trigger for these failures? removal of vegetative cover. A rockfall occurs when: a block of bedrock breaks off and falls freely from a cliff. For mass wasting to occur, what forces must become unbalanced? shear force and friction.