01:450:102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Intertropical Convergence Zone, International Union Of Geological Sciences, Terra Incognita

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Transforming the global environment exam 1 study guide: the etymology of the word geography", the language it derived from and its meaning. Geo earth; graphein = to write; geography = writing earth. The why or where, means writing the world. Distribution of phenomena, characteristics of places, changes in the first two through time: the definitions of systems, interdependence and change provided in the textbook. Systems - the world can be thought of as an interconnected system, where changes in one-part lead to changes in others. Interdependence - countries and regions are dependent on other countries and regions for both natural and social resources. Environmental issues don"t tend to respect national borders, no matter how big the wall. Change - how, why and in what direction are different regions transforming: the location(s) on the earth where projections of global temperature increase by.