01:447:380 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Walter Sutton, Theodor Boveri, Frederick Griffith

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3 Aug 2018

Document Summary

Types of dnas: chromosomal dna in the nucleus, mitochondrial dna: we have, chloroplast dna: plants have, bacterial dna (chromosomes and plasmids, viral dna. Types of rna: messenger rna--translated into polypeptides, ribosomal rna--integral part of ribosome, transfer rna--carry amino acids in for polypeptide synthesis, ribozymes can function like enzyme proteins. Small nuclear rnas help process pre-mrnas into mrnas. Small nucleolar rnas help process and assemble ribosomal rnas: ex. Cleave rnas, assemble polymer (rrna: antisense rnas: some interfere with protein production, ex. micrornas (mirna), small interfering rnas (sirnas), interfering rnas, some enable protein production, piwi-interacting rnas suppress transcription of transposons in testes, interact with the. Piwi protein (p-element induced wimpy testis in drosophila: crispr rnas help bacteria and archaea destroy invading viruses and plasmids. Long noncoding rnas: some act as molecular decoys, and bind up proteins that would otherwise destabilize chromosomes: others cause changes in the structure of chromosomes, inhibiting gene expression.