01:377:213- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 41 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Microscopic anatomy: microscopic anatomy, study of structures that cannot me seen, cytology: study of cells, histology: study of tissues, relationship of microscopic anatomy to gross anatomy, cells make tissues, tissues make organs. Intro: epithelial, sheet of cells that line passageways. Skin surface, digestive, respiratory, chest cavity, brain chambers, inner ear, blood vessels and heart. Main function is to protect exposed and internal surfaces: connective, muscular, neural. Small cell population and matrix of closely packed fibers (a) cartilage: solid, rubbery (i) hyaline cartilage (ii) When in blood they are called monocytes (2) mast cells: release histamine and heparin. Stimulate local inflammation (3) lymphocytes: can develop into plasma cells and produce antibodies. Three protein subunits wound together like rope and is flexible. Tendons and ligaments consist mostly of these: reticular fibers (1) same protein subunits as collagen but different. Stabilize organs: elastic fibers (1) contain elastin protein. Vertebrae, jaw deteriorate fast: reduced height, loss of teeth, limbs breaking.