01:202:304 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Prison Litigation Reform Act, Authentic Radical Liberal Party, Excessive Bail Clause

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8th amendment: excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Statistics: since 1977: total execution 1358, men:1345, women: 13, texas executed the most, total 508. Highest amount of execution happened in 1999. The national death row population is 42% black while the us population overall is only 13. 6 percent. Republicans mostly support death penalty, and democrats oppose death penalty. Death penalty serves two principal social purposes- retribution and deterrence. Scotus is divided in terms of taking a decision on abolition of death penalty. They have to appoint a new justice because of justice scalia"s death. The highest prison population rate was on 2008. We have more people in prison than china. Half of these people enters the prison system for low level drug offenses. Even though blacks and whites use the same amount of drugs, black tend to go to jail 10. 1 times more than whites; which is clearly racist.