04:192:300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Thick Description, Nativ, The Graphic

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Research in which the data take nonnumerical (textual) form. A method to study communication phenomena in their natural setting. Remember that the goal of qualitative research is not generalizability but detailed or thick description and interpretation. The degree to which an ethnography rings true to participants. This refers to a family of methods and roles that the ethnographer can take on. For example, researchers adopting the complete participant or the complete observers do not inform the participants that they are being observed. The complete participant role holds the greatest threat of the researcher over-identifying with the participants, or. For tracking the research process, including the recording of thoughts, experiences, and feelings. How would you best describes the iterative process of ethnographic inquiry? observe, interpret, member checks, re-interpret, observe again The ethnographer typically uses purposive sampling in selecting a eld site. The site is chosen based upon its t with the research questions.