04:192:200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Communication Accommodation Theory, Acculturation, Social Identity Theory

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Accommodation: adjusting, modifying or regulating behavior in response to others. Social identity theory: a theory that proposes a person"s identity is shaped by the groups to which he or she belongs. In-groups: groups in which a person feels he or she belongs. Out-groups: groups in which a person feels he or she does not belong. Perception: process of attending to and interpreting a message. Convergence: strategy used to adapt to another"s behavior. Indirect stereotyping: imposing outdated and rigid assumptions of a cultural group upon that group. Divergence: strategy used to accentuate the verbal and nonverbal differences between communication. Over-accommodation: attempt to overdo efforts in regulating, modifying, or responding to others. Sensory over-accommodation: overly adapting to others who are perceived as limited in their abilities (physical, linguistic, or other) Dependency over-accommodation: occurs when speakers place listeners in a lower-status role. Intergroup over-accommodation: occurs when speakers place listeners in cultural groups without acknowledging individual uniqueness.