04:192:200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Student Teacher

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

If you have a problem go to a quiet place, sit and listen. Levels of identity: personal identity- our perception of ourselves as unique, idiosyncratic individuals, distinct, from all others, rational identity- based on particular relationships we have with others. Boss/ employee: communal identity- associated with large scale communities, such as nationality, ethnicity, gender, religious or political affiliation. Avowel: we assert or claim certain identities for ourselves. Involves trying to fit ourselves into our idea of what is allowed and expected of the identities we envision for ourselves: can be done at conscious and unconscious levels. Relationship between identity and communication: reflective, constitutive. Both reflects and is constitutive of our identity. Identity does not exist in individual but rather between them in the interactions we have with others and our environment. Imagine their judgment of our appearance: figures into our conception of self. Types of relationships: dyadic relationship- 2 persons unit.