04:192:200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Groupthink, Social Presence Theory

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

If they don"t get any oil" (rewards) they will not work. Manage the workers with material rewards: human relations approach family. Still need to give material rewards (pay), but also need to maintain human relations: system management system. Will work if each division of the system works well. Individuals are interrelated, and the organization as a whole is also related to the environment: quality management team. Not just about individual members, or a whole system, but about teams within the system. Then the quality of their work will get better. High context low context culture low context: must explicitly express idea, emotions, etc. through verbal messages. Low understanding in the context (u. s. , european cultures) High context: people share common beliefs, value, and culture, so there is a high level of understanding a lot of explanation is unnecessary (asian, latin. Broad term largest category that describes communication through media. Can be mediated, but does not need to be.