04:192:200 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Visual Communication, Human Communication

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The chemical signal repertoire size is low, it can"t be combined, and the speed of transmission is slow. Visual communication"s signal repertoire size is medium, can be combined, can be invented, and the speed of transmission is fast. Primate language is instinctive whereas human language is learned. Primate language is an involuntary reaction to biological drives such as hunger, whereas human language is voluntary. Primate language is an outward expression of internal emotional states whereas human language can represent symbols beyond observable environment. Be sure you can define syntax" and defend why is it important. The size of language repertoire: primates" size is a lot smaller than humans. Syntax: rules or patterned relations that govern the way words in sentences are arranged. A communicative display is any behavior that carries information and thus is a part of the communication process. Non-specialized: behaviors that serve purposes besides communication such as yawning.