04:192:200 : Study Guide w/ answers

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29 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Our society is a consumer society, the label on whatever you own ex. Wear, drive: what were the economic, political, and cultural changes necessary in. Late 1800s; we needed mass production, a market that can buy them. And people need to be secure about there future, there had to be a mindset change in the avg persons mind: according to watkins, faced with few media images of successful african. Source of money and they regulate ownership and content: what is the political affect of the news media framing the news as a. As time passes we forget the source of the ad but we remember the content. Control by public authorities (usually church or state) of any form of publication or transmission, usually by some mechanism of examining all material before publication. Censorship,censorship without officially appointed censors, censorship- by-omission , self-censorship, parental vs. govt censorship: according to the state of the first amendment 2008 survey, how does the.