01:146:328 Midterm: Table of Nematodes Soil Transmitted Helminths

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Mammilated, golden brown color egg from host bile. Buccal cavity has 4 cutting plates (ant) and 4 teeth (post) Buccal cavity has 2 cutting plates each with 2 teeth. Adults have alae expansions of the body wall cuticle. Eggs ingested and hatch inside the small intestine. Homogonic cycle l3 infects host under unfavorable conditions. Molts in the lungs molts in the external environment autoinfection (2 molts) Intestine, only female is typically found protandrous development. L1 migrates from perianal to intestine to molt. Symptoms / effects hemorrhage, anemia, colitis, tds, rectal prolapse, toe/finger clubbing.