01:146:328- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 48 pages long!)

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1: symbiosis, eugene odum - effects on population growth, commensalism, phoresis, mutualism, exploitation, predator, parasitoid, micropredator, parasite, animal associations. Parasitism: definition of a parasite, what organisms are parasites and which are not, types of parasites, hosts, definitive, intermediate, overdispersion - negative binomial, life cycles, direct, indirect. What is a symbiosis: close association between two organisms of different species. What is each participant in a symbiotic relationship called: symbionts. How did eugene odum describe interactions between different species: classified interactions based on population growth. Give some examples: cattle and cattle egret cattle goes through grass stirs up insects egrets eat insects. Explain commensalism: 1 symbiont benefits, other not affected (+,0) How does the commensal benefit: no effect. What type of dependency exists between the participants of a phoretic relationship: 1 symbiont needs other but host doesn"t. What is mutualism: both symbionts benefit from one another. What type of dependence exists between the partners: obligatory physiological dependence.