01:119:116 Study Guide - Lymph Node, Extracellular Fluid, Earwax

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Inflammatory response: adaptive, triggered by release of, histamine, defense systems, use table 43-1, pg. 953 th cell activation: t helper cell is activated by specific foreign antigen mhc complex presented by an apc. The competent t helper cell has the same matching receptor as the pathogen"s shape. Activated t helper cell increases in size and divides by mitosis which creates clones of competent t helper cells. There are also memory t cells (memory is going to be around through the constant cycle of cloning). And the many clones become activated to look for more specific antigens: two responses, antibody mediated response (1) b-lymphocytes are toll-like receptors (responds to antigens that don"t belong in the body) and puts the antigen on their receptors. Class 1 (mhc i) but it has to have a specific shape they are activated by antigen-mhc 1 complex. Basics of how you become safe (vaccinations: figure 44-1, pg.